Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Free Links to your Blog: Enhance your Blogging Efforts

Networking is a very significant concept of free marketing. When you visit an auto blue book site, you get all the information about insuring your car, banks, and financial institution who consider you eligible for a loan. Therefore, you have entered a market with a specific purpose and getting other information that could be relevant to serve your requirements.

Links are thus crucial to the success and sustenance of a site or blog. The web traffic rises if people find all that they are searching for, in your blog. This is effort saving for the prospects and they will be happy to find a comprehensive site that acts as a web-blog supermarket. Also WOMM, buzz marketing adds more value to it.

The best way to get traffic to your blog is thus to link up with other sites in a way that these will route traffic from their sites to your site every time. This is best done by the resource hook strategy where other sites link up with your site/blog for its content and quality irrespective of the fact whether your site has their links or not.

To make your business efforts cost effective you need to design your blog/ site carefully to draw in free links from similar bloggers. Exclusive, relevant, specific and exhaustive content, updated regularly and that incorporates relevant humors that supplement the seriousness of the content is the best way to attract them.Your efforts should be skillfully targeted towards convincing your competitors to consider you as useful resource that they have to link up to, to increase their web traffic.

Linking is also a deciding factor to judge the SEO efforts. Search engines rank and rate your site/blog high if other sites have linked you up in their web pages. Your rank tends to high if there are more links pointing towards your blog/site than the number of links that you are using in your blog/site. One-way links are more favored than reciprocal links while indexing your site. Quality of the links is equally important. It is always favorable that the links are coming from similar blogs related and relevant to your blog content.

You need to have your USP and an endearing formula to get free links from similar entrepreneurs striving to establish their presence in field of net marketing. You should be able to provide with adequate resource on the niche that you and many related blogs in the similar business domain are discussing right now. If you are successful in portraying yourself as a value added resource to your competitors then your competitors will link you up immediately to bump up their traffic flow.

You could be a quick comic relief, a blog that nurtures humor subtly, relevant to the current topics and discussions apart from the serious contemporary articles. This is adding extra spice or garnishing your blog with the flavor that many prospects look for in their untiring search for content. Comments and posts on current topics connected to your business is the best way to establish your position as the thinker-leader.

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