Monday, July 23, 2007

WOMM - things to Do and NOT to do


1) The WOMM concept is more to do with spreading the word and building brand rather than lead generation. It can be used for both, however, the processes and execution for them is entirely different.

2) Keep in mind that WOMM can adversely affect your campaign too. It needs to be used wisely and judiciously. When you have too many links running around 2 things will happen. Either you will get banned from the site or community or you will meet people like me, who will brand your product as what I would like to call Door to Door Spam and make sure I tell everyone about it.

3) Against all logic, when you start a conversation with someone about a product or service, people will also flame you. DO NOT REACT. It only means 1 thing, your product, service or whatever else you are pushing, as impacted them in such a way, that its brought out a reaction. Which is why if you get flamed.. its good.

4) Since flaming is good…it also works the other way around. If you don’t get any reaction, you suck. It simply means that, your content or product or service, has had no impact. (back to the drawing board)

5) One of the best methods of WOMM is BOOKMARK, BOOKMARK and BOOKMARK. Digg, Delicious, Public eye, Furl and all other spin-off-tounge-twister-social-bookmarks are good! Social bookmark like you have never done before!

6) Target Blogs – Blogs need to be targeted intelligently. You CANNOT go to a blog and post in his comments section telling him/her, that they have a cool blog.. and then drop a bomb with your URL. You probably think this is the best way right? Wrong, wrong wrong! You’re thinking broadcast in a relationship world. Bloggers, especially popular bloggers, can smell self promotion a mile away. They aren't the PR department for your business or blog. They want relevant value for their own audience. They want information that fits their blog and their voice. If you want their help promoting your ideas you need to know and understand their ideas. The best way to get bloggers on your side is to actually talk to them…tell them about how promoting your product or service can add value to their blog. They are a listening bunch and they will listen. It's not about broadcasting it's about relationships.

7) Always remember brand advocacy is more important than brand image or brand satisfaction

8) No Marketing fluff! No Hype! No Lies! Remember this. 3 core rules to a successful WOMM campaign. People are not idiots.

9) Target opinion leaders. They are your source of buzz. Not just source…THE source. They are the ones who will push your product or service into the buzz.

10) Research Research and Research before launching a campaign…you NEED to know how your industry works. Get down to basics, how does information flow in your industry, how to people interact online in your industry, where do people get their information from in your industry, who influences your industry (see? Full circle!)

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