Marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message. It is better if any product has to be sold, or any information needs to be broadcasted, it must have a good viral marketing. Viral marketing is a marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message voluntarily. Viral promotions may take the form of funny video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, images, or even SMS text messages. Viral Marketing depends on the person who does the Viral Marketing, because it depends on how the information is spread, and the healthy structure of the information. If done effectively, message can pass to many people; else there are major chances that the message chain can stop arbitrarily. This also relates WOMM to the kind of marketing strategies.
An example :
1. An example is provided of how viral marketing is done through e-mail. Here an email request for joining the ginger community.
I have created my network on & thought I'd invite you to join as well. I believe it's a cool, fun way to be informed about new products and discounts in your city. is free to join, you shouldn't miss out.
By joining mGinger:
You will receive discount coupons and offers based on your interests.
You get SMS ads of only those products that you want to buy (no spam!!)
You get ads at your convenience (only in the time you specify)
And to top it all, you will make some pocket money too.
If clicking the above link does not work, you may type or copy and paste the link below into your Web browser. Make sure you copy the link exactly and do not add extra spaces.
2. If I have a e-book, and I send it to 5 people, and they in-turn do that, it gets to 25 people, and if the same is repeated, it goes to 625 people and so on, the e-book is circulated.
3. The simplest incentive based viral marketing is making a referral to a friend; if they purchase or join, you get a premium of either money, product or a discount.
* One important point to be noted in viral marketing is that, we can’t control the reach of the information. The information can reach any number of people and there is no way to force them to propagate the process, or to inhibit them in doing so, as it all depends on the content and the depth and interest it creates.
* A very important point that most of the people miss out is that, they don’t mention the source of the message and the company who propagated the message.
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