Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tips for Advertising on MySpace


The social networking sites boasts nearly 200 million profiles, which is more than double the number it had just last year. In addition to gaining access to a vast worldwide audience, a MySpace marketing campaign has the advantage of affordability. According to Luke J. Bodley of Vibrant Promotions, the social networking site sells advertising through banner impressions rather than clicks at a cost of around $5 per 1,000 impressions. (Minimum buys are usually between $5,000 and $10,000.) Banners can be targeted at a remarkably defined audience: You can choose everything from location and school affiliation to weight and sexual orientation.

So what do you need to know before you dive in?

Include a form that collects email addresses. Your sign-up rate will be five times higher if you offer an incentive for entering email addresses. Also, be sure your page includes an obvious link to your Web site.

Remember that MySpace users are Web savvy. They know basic html and like to promote favorite products on their pages. So provide the html code for a pre-made banner ad that links to your company's site. If you're lucky, your friends will promote your company for you.

Give visitors a reason to come back. Give visitors fresh content of something entertaining to do or they'll stop visiting. –Luke J. Bodley


WOM is the act of people providing information and making honest recommendations to other
people about a brand, product or service. Today this is often performed by what we call
“influencers". Word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) happens when marketers launch campaigns to influence and accelerate “organic” WOM. Unlike traditional offline and online marketing,
WOMM is not about how many people you reach, but how many people pass your message to
others. womm is about intense user engagement and primarily relies on finding and empowering “influencers,” opinion leaders who have extensive knowledge in a specific area, to spread
the word about a product or service. Although most WOMM still happens offline, online WOMM
is growing fast. online information includes blogs, online forums, videos and podcasts to
create consumer-generated media (CGM). online or offline, a successful WOMM campaign
involves true and passionate influencers who are willing spread the message.

Who are the influencers?
In general, influencers are typically the 10 percent of individuals who are influencing the
choices of the remaining 90 percent of the population.

Influencers are different from the general population in several ways:

* They are four times more likely to be associated with five or more organizations.
* They are four times more likely to be considered “experts” by others on a variety of
general topics or issues.
* They are well connected, and have about three times more knowledge than the average
* They are twice as likely to recommend a product or service they like; and when they
do, they are four times more likely to tell nine or more people about it.
* They are typically well traveled and are activist-oriented.
* They are willing to inform with feedback, ideas and competitive information on a
consistent and regular basis.
* They do their research and uncover unethical programs and communications. For example,
72 percent double-checked the information they received with an offline source, and 69
percent with an online source (E-fluencials Study, 2001, Burson-Marsteller). n-Marsteller).

who are strong influencers?
individuals who feel strongly about your brand, The most passionate influencers are often
part of the current customer base, and can be located and engaged with the help of your
marketing, sales and customer support departments.

we have to see, who are all our listners, means who are all the favorable and most
influenced customers are. This can be done by monitoring blogs (Blog Pulse, Technorati),
news search alerts, online discussion forums, tag analysis, RSS feed monitoring
(PubSub, Technorati) and other methods.
Finding the right influencers for your WOMM campaign requires insight into their
backgrounds, passions, motivations and aspirations.

Choose the right influencer partnerships. The ideal relationship is mutually beneficial—collaboration always beats paid partners.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Some tools that a PAYPAL user should know about


PAYPAL is now one the top and leading online payment system with over 100 million account members.
1. calculate the PayPal expenses quickly with P-Calc- Depending on the type of
account and business it may impose a small charge on received funds. Although minimal,
these charges can be a bit hard to calculate. P-Calc is a free service which lets you work
out all those charges. With this, you can better price your products to ensure you reap a
certain net amount.

2. Withdraw funds from ANY country with VMI- The Virtual Money International ATM
card is a popular legal workaround. It registers your details under a US bank which you can
then transfer PayPal funds to. After which you can withdraw the funds from your local ATM

3. Add an extra level of security with a PayPal Security Key- As a service, PayPal
is pretty secure, but passwords can fall into the wrong hands all too often. Here the
technique is more safer- it uses a PayPal Security Key is a small electronic device that
generates a unique security code for your account about every 30 seconds. You use that code
to access your account, and to help prevent people that you don’t know from doing the same.

It’s like a combination lock for your account, except that the combination always changes.
At present its only used in the US, and is available at a cost of US $5.

4. Allow people to PayPal money to you from your blog- Want to easily place PayPal
donation link in your site? There are a few easy ways to go about this…

* Go to PayPal and set up a standard checkout system - this is painful as the guide for
the ‘easy’ standard checkout is 126 pages long.

* Try out Wordpress widgets by Patrick Chia or Supriyadi which allows you to have an
easy donation widget in your sidebar

* Try out the popular ‘Buy me a beer’ Wordpress plugin which asks for donations, but is
phrased differently.

5. An easier way to ask other pay you back- PayPal for Facebook lets you request
money from others with just a few clicks. it’s one of the more useful Facebook apps to have

There is a FREE 50-page ebook that explains why PayPal freezes so many accounts, how to
avoid it, and what to do if it happens to you.Details and free download from

Market Analysis


For any business, to keep the product in market as a prevailing stuff, pricing becomes an essential technique and hence it requires a detailed market research. Let’s take pricing as an example to define the market analysis issues elaborately .Companies are striving to keep an optimum price for their products based on their features and capabilities which can be delivered to the customers. The market research tools comprises of quantitative and qualitative techniques.

The dilemma which companies facing in the market today is mainly related to brand positioning which ultimately depends on the overall qualities of the product in terms of its price and also its features. Through market research, the answers for the brand positioning related controversies can be delivered. For example, through positioning research and market segmentation techniques, various aspects like sensitivity of the product related to price and demand analysis can be answered by various stages of price research.

Small and medium enterprise companies are launching various internet marketing campaign packages to tune their websites for enhancing the fundability and for boosting the marketing efforts through market research techniques. These packages are aimed to improve the competitive analysis efforts and other research methods.

The research related to pricing is mainly done by interviews, questionnaires and other survey methods which help in discovering various hidden issues that ultimately helps to tap the opportunities and hence ensure the success in the hunt much faster than other competitors.

The most common used research method is quantitative research method which helps to decide the complicated issues like competitive prices of the product. The steps involved in this process include figuring out a problem, proposing a hypothesis and definition of parameters for the corresponding hypothesis. The final step is to do the statistical analysis and delivering the solution to the problem.

How to read blog posts on a phone google reader:


we can read any posts on our mobile phone and any one can do that. Its fairly simple. We can also know how many people are reading our blog posts from their mobile.
Numbers of mobile readers will increase with decrease data plan costs and increased confidence in using the mobile web.

You can get a nice picture of the Google reader through a video demonstration.

To Do Or Not To Do-blog

Now the point of having just one blog, or multiple blogs. Here we see many points under
this. Is our blog considering a single topic, or is it more general, like a newspaper? first
of all, we have to spend considerable amount of our precious time in doing research for the
topics, and will it be possible to dedicate more hours to other blogs? well this question is
on the reader, as he may be a dedicated blogger, or who also maintains a blog parallel to
his busy schedule. The blogger if he feels bored of just writing many articles on the same
topic, shall consider in opening another blog, but is it manageable by him? if yes, kindly
proceed. If not i feel it'd be better to do guest blogging.
If our blog talks more in general than any specific topic, then we can deal with any topic under the sun. When there are multiple pages in our blog, its important to see, if all (or most of it) are having good page ranks, if not, we have to manage them in a better way. Its a poor state to have a page rank of just 1-4 for inner pages and have higher rank for the main page. we have to manage all of them effectively. The answer to this, INTERLINKING. By interlinking the pages, each individual post comes directly under the index homepage. All you have to do is make sure that the individual pages are linked directly from the main home page. Therefore, whatever pagerank the homepage achieves is shared among all the individual pages. Although it cannot be guaranteed, there is a higher chance of the individual pages getting a closer page rank to the homepage. A very intelligent way to do is, by linking the highest page rank page with a lower page rank one.

Intelligent way in the path of blogging:

1. Plan well: plan well, and in advance as to what the topic has to be, what contents has to go into it, rather than, thinking that i have to write, so let me think of a topic now, or asking someone to suggest you a topic. spend sufficent time each day, to keep the postings ready to launch, like atleast 1 to 2 hours each day.

2. Prepare: Have an acivity planner or jot down the topics and suitable titles, so that you can work on it at a later time.

3. Read: use the RSS feed to see whats going on. take time in reading competitor's blog, or those blogs that have similar topics as yours, so as to compare where you stand in the competetion.

4. Market: spare some time to plan for the marketing of the blog, and to market it.

5. Polish: More important to writing blog, is to polish the topics written and also
add our personal view wherever possible and quote better reasons and proofs.

6. Comment: Take some time to comment on other' blog, or to reply to the comments
made on your blog.


when we are considering a redesigning the blog, we must keep certain things in mind. we
generally don't touch or do any changes with the traditional blog layout, like the header,
content panel, sidebar... . We must do a makeover the appearance from the traditional blog.
They are: -

1. DECLUTTERING : we must concentrate on the area thats more cluttered area.
Generally it'll be the sidebar. try decluttering this area, by moving a few things from
this, to any other parts of the blog, that can hold the information well, as well as its
readable. After this, thought the information is scattered, it'd have all the information in
the page, and more appealing and pleasure to read through.

2. Visibility of the most important content : what to do to make the page look more
appealing to the visitor of your blog ? The most important thing is, to keep the main and
important contents in the most noticeable area, and the links in its place.

3.Maximum exposure for ads: Who would not love to earn little more bucks through
their blogs? There are already One of the drawbacks of using premade themes is that you have
to force your ads and affiliate links into a crowded design. But with your own customized
design, you keep the control in your hands.


We must not do too many changes that looks like a new blog even to the old
customer or visitor. The changes must be minimally effective. If you go wild with a lots of
assorted ads and affiliate links and your new visitors dismiss your blog as an MFA(made for
AdSence) site. The better you make your site, more people visit. If we, in our enthusiasm
to earn more revenue, and take the flak of readers.

Also, the changes must not be either too frequent or once is a decade. Also that, we have to
test the new template change- look and feel of the new template, and ask some of the close
friends who are regular in reading your blog, to evaluate the change, as more appealing or
the opposite. there are cases that, if you are interested in changing the look, and choose a
wrong one that the readers don't like, there are chances of loosing many readers, because i
feel that "first appearance is the best appearance". Also the new design may not pull new
readers, if it doesn't match their taste. After all, we have to keep in mind that, we are not
blogging just because of us, but for others also.

The title should always go hand-in-hand with the topics chosen n posted. The reader must not
feel the break in the chain with the posting and the blog name.
Its really important to make few changes to the blog, to keep the most important things up
and at the most important place. along with this, the blog must not loose the crux of its

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Google’s new ad format on You Tube


Google believes it has finally has found the formula to cash in on YouTube’s potential for online video advertising and at the same time, keeping its audience loyal.

Google will be introducing a new type of video ad, which it said was unobtrusive and kept users in control of what they saw. According to Eileen Naughton, Google's director of media platforms, to start with Google is selling overlay advertising on a limited number of YouTube videos to a select group of partners at a cost of $20 per 1,000 viewers or $20 CPM. Initial advertisers include BMW, Ford Models, and Warner Music Group.

The ads, which appear 15 seconds after a user begins watching a video clip, take the form of an overlay (a translucent banner of sorts) on the bottom fifth of the screen, unlike the tickers that display headlines during television news programs or various shopping networks. A user can ignore the overlay, which will disappear after about 10 seconds, or close it. But if the user clicks on it, the video they were watching will stop and a video ad will begin playing. Once the ad is over, or if a user clicks on a box to close it, the original video will resume playing from the point where it was stopped.

Google will place the ads only on video clips of its content partners, however we’re not quite sure what content partners they are referring to — more than 1,000 small and large media companies that have licensed their videos to YouTube. By doing so, YouTube will avoid the potential liability of having ads appear on copyrighted clips it is not authorized to display. And it will also prevent ads from playing on clips generated by users whose message may not be to the liking of advertisers.

The revenue from the ads will be split between the media partner and YouTube. Ms. Naughton also said advertisers would be able to take aim at specific channels and genres, as well as demographic profiles, geography and hour of the day. If successful, the video ads could persuade more media companies to license their content to YouTube as a way to make money from it, analysts said.

Google also that it has added video news clips to the U.S. version of Google News, the company's free Internet news aggregation service. Initially, the clips will come from CBS, Reuters, and several local Hearst TV stations. The company expects to add more video news providers to Google News and to offer the service in other regions in the months ahead.

Already existing video ad networks

Social video ad network VideoEgg’s Troy Young, chief marketing officer said that they invented the video overlay ad about a year ago. Another upcoming video social site is

You can take a look here at Video Egg’s overlay ad:

Possible metrics

According to Troy Young, VideoEgg’s chief marketing officer, claims that the CTR is almost 5 to 10 times that of banner ads.

To make an estimate let’s say that banner CTR % varies from 0.02% to 0.05% (based on one of our B2C client’s data). Let’s take banner CTR average as 0.03% and say the overlay ads at 8 times more than banner ads.

Then I would be looking at a CTR of 0.24%

According to, YouTube had 150,652,781 visits to its site in April 2007.

Taking this as an average – 150,000,000 visitors x CTR of 0.24% = 360,000 visitors to my site Taking an average CR of 1% (standard across banner campaigns and PPC), I would get 3600 registrations or leads.

Now, the cost bit – if Google plans on charging $20 CPM, then my cost would be $300,000 and I would end up with a CPA of $830!

This is of course assuming that ALL visitors would see my ads and it would be displayed on ALL videos. Once you categorize your ads and display it in proper genres, the visitors would be much lesser.

SMS right from your mailbox


It's not surprising that mobile phone is emerging as the next generation device. They have integrated all possible domains from serious gaming to casual web 2.0 marketing. According to the research done by Sasken Communication Technologies Limited, by the year 2010 mobile phones are likely to emerge as the primary digital computing device. The mobile phone penetration will cross 50 per cent with underlining user defined categories like “expression”, “entertainment” and “enterprise”.

As a part of the recent mobile 2.0 trend that yahoo is looking to launch an email to sms feature which would allow users of yahoo to send messages their friend’s phone right from their mail box.

The text-messaging feature will be initially available to Yahoo Mail members in the United States, Canada, India and the Philippines. In order to text a friend, users simply enter a mobile phone number, type a text message in Yahoo Mail and hit send.

This feature shows the importance of mobile component for a web player. It also shows that going forward we can only expect more traction in the mobile space with respect to internet players.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Three mistakes to avoid when building your corporate blog


Business blogging is undoubted as a tremendous way to build your corporate brand, personal brand, increase traffic on your website and get found in the search engines when people are searching for the products and services that you offer.

However there are some key mistakes you need to avoid if you want to build a credible business blog… By mistakes I am not referring to not posting regularly to your business blog or not engaging in the blogsphere by commenting and linking to other peoples business blog.

Here are three mistakes that business bloggers should avoid:

1. Not branding your business blog

· Ensuring that the name of your business blog connects with your business and the services you offer.

· Making sure that the design of your business blog follows through from your corporate identity. There are many low cost and no cost blogging tools available which one of the reasons why business blogging has become so popular.

· Creating content that meets the needs of your target market and niche – consider your blog as a way to represent your unique expertise in your field.

2. Not connecting your business blog to your corporate website:

· If you have a corporate website make sure that you have a link from your website to your business blog.

· To ensure that you benefit from traffic to your business blog, you can use a blogging platform such as where you can host your business blog alongside your website.

3. Not adding an about page:

· You might not realise it but your about page on your business blog or website is the second most likely page that people will click through to.

· It is important to have details about you and the teams authoring your business blog as people want to check out who you are – they are genuinely interested in the authors of your business blog and they are also interested in assessing your professional credibility in the areas you are writing about.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Conversational Marketing


The perception of the people about marketing is that it has become a tool for pushing messages into heads of the potential clients and anticipates as an interruption or even a manipulation! But conversation marketing techniques has become an old traditional method where companies use it TO interact with the customers rather than judging it as something which has to do WITH the customers. The definition of conversation can be put forward as an interaction between human beings which involves conveying ideas and information, capturing of those ideas from the user end and finally the feedback.

Conversational marketing is an essential tool in the marketing of any business to make a connection with the customers, no matter what the business is selling or whether it is doing online. But it requires several strategies to connect with the customers online and to win the product over the customers with excellent service.

Medium scale businesses can look forward to web 2.0 applications for online connectivity with the customers by using the methods like blogging, social networking and through many other innovative ways.

When internet was launched, the business communication with the clients was just a one way interaction by direct mailers, newsletters etc without anticipating for a feedback from the customers. But in the modern internet era, many innovative ways like blogs, wikis and forums paved the way for a dialogue. Through social networking tools, new products are finding more engaged with the online users and making full use of communities.

Conversations are happening through forum posts, entries in the wikis and comments posted by the readers to the blogs and enhance the creativity and passion along with the interested generated in the customers’ minds. For an effective conversational marketing, the web strategist needs to know the user requirements, the business requirements models from shareholders, sponsors etc and also tools about how technology work in that particular business. The online strategist also needs to know how the company’s services/products are leveraged through blogs, forums and communities or groups in the social networking sites. But the implementation is restricted by human capital, timelines and the effectiveness of the brand which has to be marketed by conversational marketing

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Becoming More Social


Basically, there are two aspects of social media.

The first aspect encompasses things like blogs, pod casts and video casts

The other, more social aspect includes applications like Gather, MySpace, YouTube and Second Life.

Using the social side of social media to market business can be tricky. Why because, sometimes the site on which you are marketing might get unwanted attention from media because of the adultery content, even in case of Youtube you can never be sure as to what kind of video the service will show after yours plays.

Here are some bits to keep in mind before getting into social media

Examine your target market. Are you marketing to finance types? Then more social aspects of social media may not be the best place to find and communicate with your audience.

Yet if you're marketing to a more casual customer, social media may be just the carpet ride your business needs.

Take time to find out about type users of a social networking site. Few social networking sites have teenagers more, compared to adults.

Focus on the return and the investment. Figure out well in advance what you're willing to invest to get the return you want.

Set and measure your digital yardsticks. As the saying goes, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." Always set a goal for how many friends you want to have within a certain period of time.

Contribute to the social network--don't just market to it. The Text 100, a global public relations firm who won an award for the launch of presence in Second Life say “Don’t just try to push your goods but try to contribute to the good of the overall community”

Protect your brand. The sad truth about the more social aspects of social media is that there are some not-so-savory characters that'll be using the same medium to get their message across. Examine where you'll be placing your brand and what types of companies are going to be sharing that space with you.

Finally, social media can have a positive impact on your business, if done right.


If you have Myspace account, you can check out profile of “Kathy Cano-Murillo” who promotes craft things on her site. She has 6,500 friends on MySpace and that her website gets 1.8 million hits per month.

Reputation Management


It's safe to say that reputation management is vitally important for all organizations that exist. In fact, whether it's on a personal or corporate level, everyone should be concerned about their reputation. Prior to the development of the Internet, news often travelled slowly and methodically, but with the increasing popularity of blogs and social networks, news tends to travel rapidly and reaches the masses with swiftness as never before. In many cases, the general public is aware of information about your organization that you may not even be aware of yet. Online reputation management is a necessity. There are five keys to online reputation management.

  1. Monitor Your Existing Online Presence - consumers use search to find information. When they perform a query in hope of finding information on your organization or brand, you want to make sure that your website and online properties are listed high in the search results. In order to manage your online reputation, you need to know what is being said about your brand online. An easy way to do this is through tools such as Google Alerts to see how your brand is fairing in the online world of Google. Set up alerts for key branded phrases including your company name.
  2. Analyze Your Online Presence within the Search Engine Results - the search engine results update their index on a regular basis. With the increase in consumer generate content out there, it is not uncommon for a blogpost or negative article about your company to surface in the first page of organic search results. A company scandal or an ongoing law suit can provide fuel for the fire and can appear in the prime real estate of Google or other search engines. You need to get a grasp and develop a keen understanding of your search engine environment and that of your key competitors.
  3. Control Your Online Destiny with Optimization - optimize your site and online properties so that you dominate the search results for your important branded terms. This includes optimizing your main corporate site, any micro-sites and sub-domains, corporate blogs, press releases, articles as well as online properties such as employee blogs and partner sites.
  4. Control Your Online Destiny with Participation - Be active in industry forms, social networks, consumer review/opinion sites and the like. If your online reputation is suffering, participation within these areas can help change the negative perception that you may be incurring. Blogs are extremely popular for consumers and are often the first place they will go to find information. As a reuslt commenting on blogs can help communicate your stance and promote your company in a positive light.
  5. Repeat Steps One Through Four - online reputation management only works if it is ongoing. Being proactive and understanding the consumer's perception of your brand and your organization is one of the best ways to begin with your online reputation management strategy.

To prevent the loss of revenue and repeat business, an ongoing online reputation management strategy should be developed by all organizations. Online reputation management can ensure the ongoing success of your brand and your organization.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


A corporate web log is published and used by an organization to reach its organizational goals. The posts are easy to reach and follow due to centralized hosting. As most of the current browsers support RSS, it’s easy to read thro the blog without actually going thro the blog.
Thought there are many different types of corporate blog, they can be mainly categorized as either external or internal.
Internal blogs: An internal blog, generally accessed through the corporation's Intranet, is a weblog that any employee can view. Many blogs are also communal, allowing anyone to post to them. This encourages
 Employee participation
 Free discussion issues
 Acts as a common platform between various levels within the organization
 A sense of communication
The internal blog is very useful, in cases where the participants are indifferent locations across various regions, or having different schedules.
External blogs: An external blog is a publicly available weblog where company employees, teams, or spokespersons share their views. Generally this is used to launch a new product and services, to clarify certain public grievances, etc. A very important thing that happens in this that, not all are allowed to post and also that a good and thorough review happens. They can also offer a more honest and direct view than traditional communication channels. Nevertheless, they remain public relations tools.
Marketers might expect to have product evangelists or influencers among the audience of an external blog. Once they find them, they may treat them like VIPs, asking them for feedback on exclusive previews, product testing, marketing plans, customer services audits, etc. The informality and increased timeliness of information posted to blogs assists with increasing transparency and accessibility in the corporate image.
Off late, blogging by the company CEO is on the rise and becoming more popular.
Till date, there is no such strict rules and regulation as to what should go into and what not into a corporate blog, as its company dependant and product dependant.
Some of the general rules that are to be followed are:-
 Be authentic: - Brands are about trust, and authenticity is the foundation of trust. The observations must be original, real, and actual.
 Be an unmatched resource: - We must post such items in the blog that’s unavailable elsewhere, and also the bloggers must maintain secrecy till the item is released in the market.
 No stopping in between: - What it means is that, once a blog is started, there should be a flow of posts continuously to keep it alive. Else it looses its very existence.
 Relevant information: - We must keep in mind that what ever we post is relevant to the topic we post. Also should have a little connection to the name of the blog.
 Google ranking: - Your Google rank also matters a lot, as the higher rank is valued more than a lower rank website or another blog.
 Keep in touch with other similar blogs: - This is more important to keep in touch with the other blogs or sites that post similar issues, as there can be some posts that might not have been posted by us, or a latest issue on some matters.
 Trust: - Employees must maintain the trust their employer has entrusted on them, cos, when posting there could be a leak of some corporate secrets, that could be published by ignorance or negligence, which can make a credible amount of damage to the product or the company itself. So it would be better to consult others involved in and around the topic if the postings don’t harm or is there any legalities involved.
 Knowledge management: - The Company must keep in mind that although it’s not possible to over deliver the vendors in getting them to know things, their blogs should always keep people knowledgeable about some or the other topics. Over expecting from the other side is also wrong.
There are some of the corporate blogs that have better response than their official sites do. The main point to focus is that, we must be more knowledgeable today than the past. A blog is one that can give a wider perspective on a topic, as there will be postings plus comments on the topics.

Mobile 2.0


We all are familiar with the concept of web 2.0. Since the time Tim O'Reilly had defined web 2.0 all business wagons are eying on this new sphere to gain visibility and to capture their target audience. Social networking sites such as MySpace and video sharing sites like YouTube are already making billion dollars for successfully launching the new media convergence. Looking at the way how web 2.0 is racing across the dotcom revolution, it’s obvious that they have marked a milestone in the online world. Now, as an extension of this web 2.0, mobile companies are incorporating this new technology to their platform as ‘Mobile 2.0’. It’s obvious from the phrase ‘Mobile 2.0’ that it’s a convergence of mobile devices and web services creating an entirely new platform for people to access information at their ease.

For instance ClairMail, BluePulse, ComVu, Funambol, Gizmo, Loopt etc have introduces a break through technology that lets you experience unrestricted access to internet form your mobile. For instance ClairMail has introduced a new product called MoDazzle that connects you to all social networking sites via SMS. With the aid of MoDazzle you can interact and engage actively with all your favorite communities like MySpace, Orkut, Facebook etc via SMS. There is no need for WAP or GPRS. Mobile 2.0 is just the start of this new era and it’s quite interesting to observe the converging technology.

Here are some essential components of what mobile 2.0 is about:

  • Mobile search: Much more than google on your mobile phone.
  • Mobile content and the changing balance of power (The power of user generated content)
  • I am not a number, I am a tag (The impact on the telecoms industry's management of numbers)
  • Multilingual mobile access (Everyone, Everywhere with a phone running)
  • Mobile web 2.0 and digital convergence (Mobile web 2.0 is a driver to digital convergence)
  • The disruptive power of ajax and mobile widgets.
  • Location based services and Mobile web 2.0.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Tips for building success


5 Useful Tips for List Building Success

Tip #1 - Use Forum Postings to Your Advantage - If you are a member of any forums, take advantage of them and add your website address as part of your signature file that is included with every post that you make. This gets your name out there and will enable others in the forum to click on your link.

The link should lead to your webpage where they can sign up to be on your email list. For those who are not members of a forum, it is definitely worth your while to join a forum that is related to your product or service so you can take advantage of using a signature file with your postings.

Tip #2 - Get Writing - Writing good articles is another great way that you can work on building up your list. People like to read helpful and informative material. At the end of your articles, you can include some bio information along with a link to your site. When people read what you have to say and like it, they are more likely to click the link to your site and sign up for your emails to hear more of what you have to say.

Tip #3 - Include a Web Signup Form on Every Page of Your Site - It is imperative that you have a signup form on every single page of your site.

Many people may enjoy what they are reading, but they may not want to have to go back to the main page of your site to sign up for your emails. Make it easy for them to sign up and provide a form on each page of your site.

Tip #4 - Use Viral Marketing - Viral marketing is also a great way to build up your list. Viral marketing is when you offer something of value to people in return for them signing up and providing you with their email address. You may want to offer a helpful e-book or even a special report to get people to sign up.

Tip #5 - Encourage Email Forwarding - You can also use the people you already have on your list to help you build up your list even more. In your emails, encourage your readers to forward on your emails to friends and family members.

They may be able to reach some people you would have never come in contact with otherwise. If they send out your emails to others, more than likely new people will be coming back to you to sign up for your emails if they are filled with excellent information.

Viral Marketing Online - Why it Works

The dawn of Web 2.0 and the flourishing social networks and online communities it has spawned has, for many, upped the stakes in the marketing and advertising world. More than anything, online social networks make it possible for people to communicate - whether this is on a social or a business level. In particular, the technique of viral marketing benefits from using social networks as a platform, as is made clear from the success of the world's most popular social sites. Today, new and upcoming bands need no longer seek a record deal in order to gain fame and popularity: MySpace's rapid word-of-mouth circuit ensures that any band across the world that's gaining attention does so by appealing to a core group of MySpace users and waiting for them to tell their friends.
The recent launch of the Facebook Marketplace platform also suggests that marketers are becoming increasingly tuned to the benefits of viral marketing via social networks. Facebook Marketplace allows users and businesses to post free classified ads on the site, while Facebook Platform is an API that allows for the development of applications to be placed on the website.
Moreover, online marketing communities can be a great place to make new contacts within your industry and, if you're looking for a new job, can provide you with invaluable sources of information about the best companies to work for and who's recruiting right now. After all, viral marketing can work on marketers too!

basics of marketing


Search Engine Marketing (SEM): [searm] SEM comprises SEO and search engine advertising. Search engine advertising, in its current model, typically uses text-based advertisements that the marketer bids on based on the keywords the marketer wants to associate with the advertisement (contextual advertising). The business model is typically PPC. pioneered the PPC model for search engine advertising. was purchased by Overture which was ultimately purchased by Yahoo! Google's Google Adwords is the main competitor. Both these networks supply advertisements for other sites.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): [searo] SEO refers to the art of designing a web-site for better listings in search engines. This includes ensuring you have the appropriate keywords in the body text of the site, in the title tag and the meta tags. Google's PageRank algorithm also rewards sites that have inbound links, and even considers the anchor text of the inbound links. Search engines also reward sites with fresh content. Regularly updated blogs therefore serve as a good SEO tool.

Viral Marketing: [vir] Is a marketing technique that takes advantage of a marketer's customers in promoting the product. This technique was pioneered by Hotmail. Hotmail launched its free web-based e-mail service with the tag line (at the bottom of each e-mail) "Get your free e-mail at Hotmail." As customers used this e-mail service, and were e-mailing others, they were effectively sending an advertisement for the product. This attracted new customers, who repeated the process. Once a critical mass of consumers were using Hotmail, a tipping point was reached, where the number of new users started to increase non-linearly. Hotmail soon became the fastest growing media company in history. Illustrations of its success include it being the leading provider of e-mail service in India, without having a physical presence in India.

Word of Mouth Marketing: [wor] Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) refers to the marketing that can be gained by actively engaging customers to share insights with each other (create buzz that goes viral). WOMM has clearly been around since the inception of marketing, but has gained more prominance with the evolution of the internet, and the ease with which customers can share their stories. Web 2.0 technologies such as Blogs and News Readers are enabling WOMM. Discussion Boards have helped customers form communities. Good WOMM relies on great products that customers willingly evangelize. Marketers have been prone to try to 'effect' this by incentivizing 'fake' customers to talk about their products. This can backfire.

One can now consider marketing initiatives as three concentric circles: the inner circle representing traditional / push marketing; the middle circle representing a company's direct efforts to engage with customers with the web (hosting a blog, a discussion board etc.), WOMM; the outer circle representing the broader web, where the company's product is being discussed outside of its own web domain.

Word-of-mouth is now buzz marketing, viral marketing, community marketing, grassroots marketing, evangelist marketing, product seeding, influencer marketing, cause marketing, conversation creation, brand blogging and referral programs. That's the good stuff. What isn't so good is stealth marketing, shilling, infiltration, comment spam, defacement and falsifications

basics of marketing


B2C: [b2c] B2C refers to business-to-consumer trade, retail trade. Similarly B2B refers to business-to-business, distribution channel (value chain). C2B refers to consumer-to-business, and uses a reverse pricing model (Priceline for example). C2C refers to consumer-to-consumer, an auction-style model (eBay for example).

CPM, PPC, CPC, CPA: [cpm] CPM (Cost per 1,000), PPC (Pay per Click), CPC (Cost per Click) and CPA (Cost per Action) are types business models for calculating the charge for pages (advertisements) being served. CPM is a holdover from traditional media advertising, and does not take advantage of the Hypertext nature of the medium. It charges purely on the number of times the advertisement is served. It does account for branding effects that are not accounted for in the other models. PPC and CPC refer to a cost (payment) associated with each click on the advertisement to the target page. CPA is a cost associated with each lead created from a click on the advertisement (CPL), or each sale (CPS). Both PPC / CPC and CPA are much more accountable means of developing a price for the advertisement, and either are also used for affiliate programs and text advertisements on search engines. They become a variable cost in terms of generating the number of people exposed to the target page (this number is based on the CTR from the host vehicle), the number of leads generated (CPL) or the number of sales (CPS). The downside for the vehicles is they do not control the design of the banner (poor design = low click-through etc.) and they are not rewarded for the branding effect of the banner. Click fraud is also an increasing problem.

CTR: [ctr] CTR (Click-Through Rate) is the number of times an advertisement is clicked upon over the number of times the advertisement is served. Typical click-through rates have been declining (a click through rate of 1% would be very high). While click through rates help determine the effectiveness of the online advertisement, advertisements also contain a branding impact. The click-through rate will determine the cost of an advertising campaign that was based on PPC / CPC and CPA.

Hits: [hit] Hits refer to the number of files served when users access a web page. Total hits for a page will therefore equal the number of times the page is accessed X the number of files included on a page. Thus a page that includes one graphic file will serve two files when it is accessed; the html file of the page, and the image file the page calls. This is a metric that is often misused when media quote the activity a web page receives. (To double the number of hits, simply double the number of files the page includes.) Better metrics, for web analytics, include impressions and page views.

RSS: [rss] RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a means of distributing dynamic content (content syndication), using the XML format, to subscribers of that content. In order for a user to subscribe, he / she will need to sign up for a news reader aggregator (Bloglines etc.) RSS has become a popular technology for bloggers and podcasters to distribute their content, essentially 'pushing' content out to subscribers of the content rather than relying on readers to visit the site to determine if there is new content. RSS is also useful for news organizations which publish content as a matter of their business model (and update regularly). Examples include CNN and India Times. It would be useful for companies that publish news releases of newsletters for subscribers in e-mail form. While RSS does require a reader to subscribe to a news aggregator before accessing content (this may soon be bundled with the web browser which will surely impact its rate of adoption) it avoids the problem plaguing e-mail distribution of content: SPAM.

Monday, August 13, 2007

United Online’s Classmates Media unit filed for a $125 million IPO


Classmates files for $125 million IPO by ZDNet's Larry Dignan -- United Online’s Classmates Media unit filed for a $125 million IPO in what could be a good litmus test for social media plays on Wall Street. Classmates isn’t Facebook (all resources), but does have enough name recognition to garner interest for investors looking to buy into the social media hubbub. The company plans to trade under [...]

Red Herring 100 Asia 2007 - Indian Finalists


Red Herring is a global media company; they run a leading innovation magazine and an online daily technology news service amongst other services. Their editorial team came up with Red Herring 100 lists which recognize promising startups which will be an interface for next generation through its innovation. Regalix is one of the Indian Companies which have been short-listed for the "Red Herring 100 Asia" awards. Our company is one among the short-listed top 200 companies of which the Top 100 winners will be announced on Aug 29th-31st. The 200 short-listed companies can be viewed here.

This is a very prestigious award to be won by any start up firm. It is a source of inspiration for Entrepreneurs to reach great heights. It’s a recognition that is paid off in the form of an Award. This sets an example for all the upcoming firms to nurture and excel in their business.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Social Networking for the Over-50 Set


Hi all… guess what? Have you heard of a social networking site for the age group over 50??

Well... founder Jeff Taylor's is quickly proving there's no age limit on social networking. The social portal's mantra is "Lovin' life on the flip side of 50". They have about 1 million unique visitors per month.

Eons' site content is divided into several pillars, including apposite subjects for the well-retired and well-seasoned demographic, such as money and health. An offshoot of the latter is a longevity calculator designed to help users predict their life spans and recommend how they can extend it. There are plenty of other sections devoted to plain old fun. Quizzes and games are complemented, for example, by virtual gifts similar to what users can exchange on Facebook.

From the technical point of view, Eons is no different from the other social networking sites that target the younger generation. Its distinction lies in the audience base. According to Eons, one user calls the site, "MySpace with brains."

Those brains has secured Eons' place in some powerful political campaigns. Among the 2008 U.S. presidential candidates who have created personal profiles on the site are Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Barack Obama, and John Edwards. There's also a Campaign Central section ( where users can discuss political issues and voice their intention to vote.

Beyond the political space, Eons is attracting major brands from sectors like finance, healthcare &beauty, technology and travel. When the site was launched last year, initial advertisers included Fidelity, , Liberty Mutual, and Verizon Wireless.

The site also partnered with CVS (CVS Caremark is the nation's premier integrated pharmacy services provider, combining one of the nation's leading pharmaceutical services companies with the country’s largest pharmacy chain) in a unique marketing program, integrating the drug store into the longevity calculator. When users completed the quiz, Eons would generate a customized CVS shopping list based on aspects of their lifestyles that were found to need some attention.

Virtual gifts can also be branded, or created as limited-edition offers, so site users can offer a friend a cup of coffee from a favorite coffee chain or a virtual bouquet of flowers from a real-world online retailer.

"What's most important, and what we're saying to brands, is that they should try to create conversations and invite the consumer into the discussion," says Perry Allison, Eons' VP of sales. Because the site is still relatively small, is actively driving internal traffic to brand profiles and applications through house ads, which are also used to promote new site-generated content. "It's about giving users interesting things to see and do without having to leave Eons," she says.

This may sound like it benefits the site far more than its advertisers, its just the marketers need to venture beyond social network banner buys and create something customized and relevant. Given this booming site a couple more years to grow its audience base and sharpen its ad offerings, its users won’t be the only ones loving the flip side of 50 :)

Friday, August 10, 2007

A Fishy Social Networking Campaign


All the social networking sites these days are about one thing and that is Friends… Without them there would be no impetus to join, and no sustainable interest in remaining a member. Depending on the network, users add friends.

A Canadian telecommunications company named Telus launched an application on Facebook. It is supposed to be the best sponsored application on Facebook.

Last month, they introduced a new cell phone application called My Faves, which allows users to pick five friends – regardless of their own carrier – with whom they can receive unlimited talk and text services. With a target market of high school and university students, and an objective to raise awareness of the new service, social networks were the ideal venue through which to inform and educate consumers about the plan.

Telus looked to Toronto based creative agency Teehan and Lax and media strategy firm Media Experts to create a social networking application reflective of My Faves’ key characteristics. Facebook was the obvious network of choice. According to comScore data, the site drew 7.5 million unique Canadian visitors under the age of 25 in March.

Facebook has found, 27 percent of its Canadian audience is under the age of 18 and 56 percent is between 18 and 24. Earlier this year, the site's traffic surpassed that of MySpace, making it the leading social network in Canada.

Telus' advertising application’s incorporates animals. The company is known for employing "spokes critters" and nature-based themes in its campaigns, both to differentiate itself from competing wireless carriers and to cleverly highlight different aspects of its services.

In My Faves' case, the critter of choice is fish. The application takes the form of a fishbowl, to which Facebook members can add to their Profile page. To occupy the bowl, they select up to five Facebook friends, each of whom is represented by a different variety of fish. Users can also add famous Canadian landmarks to their fishbowls, including the CN Tower and the famed Sudbury Nickel.

The language used throughout the process is consistent with the Telus brand and references the product it's ultimately intended to promote. While customizing the application, Facebook users receive the message: "What crowd do you swim with? Tell the world with your own customized virtual fishbowl for your profile."

After creating a fish to represent the user, Telus delivers the message: "You look lonely. You should always swim with a buddy or five. Let's start adding your faves." When friends are added, they receive an e-mail notification that references the Telus My Faves plan:

Check out a custom fishbowl that I built for us to hang out in. Then build your own to show the world who you call a fave! My Faves is a great new plan from TELUS that gives you unlimited local talking and texting to any 5 numbers, on any network, anytime.

Once the customization process is completed, users are provided with access to the code to add to their personal blogs or other social networking sites.

The application, seamless in its execution, isn't unlike the Top Friends widget that's been making the rounds of Facebook of late. Where it differs is in its relevance to Telus' latest offering. There's an intuitive connection between the idea of hosting a virtual gathering for critter friends in a Facebook fishbowl and the five friends calling plan. Whether Facebook users who download it are Telus subscribers or not, they can enjoy the concept behind the tool.

Since launching in late July, the My Faves application has received over 7,500 downloads on Facebook. The company also sponsored a news feed targeting every Facebook user within its student demographic. Most recently, a Telus-sponsored Facebook Group was formed to generate feedback on the application. A My Faves representative is actively involved in monitoring discussions and responding to consumer comments.

From concept to ad buy, it's a prime example of how social sites can be effectively used to go beyond branding to increase awareness of -- and interest in -- a new product.

So add the application and start building your own fish bowl!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Web 2.0


The advent of web 2.0 has introduced a highly interactive and user-friendly interface for people to connect with like minded individuals. Now, it’s all about blogs, social networks and community sites. Lately; it’s very obvious that these next generation sites have moved from the tag of exploring people and pals to a powerful marketing tool. For instance, eMarketer says social networking sites will draw $900 million in advertising dollars during 2007, and predicts that number will rise to $2.5 billion by 2011. In India alone, the Internet and Mobile association predicts that India’s net user base will touch 100 million by 2008. These statistics second the authentic and powered growth of these networking sites. Despite of having its own oddments, The TNL weblog explores some of the basic reasons for their powerful growth…

Basic human need to connect

Most of all, though, human beings are social creatures. As such, the root of all success from social networking sites is based on a need to connect and expand connections. For most of history, connections were largely limited by geographical or economic considerations. Social networks allow people to expand their connections around interests. This first appeared with the rise of Usenet and bulletin boards, where members formed communities around specific interests and has now expanded into the social networking realm, where people can find out more about people who are most like them.

Basic human need to share

The proliferation of blogs has shown that people love to share their opinion. The proliferation of the open source movement shows that some people love to share their expertise. Social networks appeal to the altruistic side of people by allowing them to share their connection and introduce their friends to other friends.

Enhanced Knowledge

When used properly, social networks can be a great way to enhance knowledge. Tapping into one’s social network can allow for people to fill an information gap if members of their extended social network have deep subject matter expertise in a certain area. At the current time, few social networking sites have used that capability but, I believe this is one of the most useful aspects of social networking sites.

Online Identity

For some people, social networks personal pages are the only place where people maintain an identity. Some, like MySpace, have capitalized on that effect by providing tools that allow enhancing those profiles in ways that make them indistinct from personal sites, beyond the fact that the URL is on the service instead of being a personal one.

Viral Nature

They key to social networks quickly moving up in size is their viral nature. Because people expand their network, they invite their friends. And those friends, in turn, invite others. The viral nature of a new social network plays an important role in making it succeed. Some networks have taken the model one step further by being “by invitation only”. Initially, this represents a certain level of exclusivity. This exclusivity breaks down, though, if the social networks do not have a mechanism to slow down or limit the number of new invitations going out. All it takes to tear down that sense of exclusivity is for one person to start inviting hordes of people.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

New SN site for age group 25 and above


Social networking has really taken off globally, during the past year, literally hundreds of millions of youngsters around the world are visiting social networking sites each month and many are doing so on a daily basis. It would appear that social networking is not a fad but rather an activity that is being woven into the very fabric of the global Internet.

Most of the Social Networking Sites have been populated by the youngsters ranging from 15 to 23. What about people who are above this age group? Will they be left alone? Is there any site dedicated for them as well.

For those above 25, who fear they’re losing touch with the kids of today, never fear.

New Zealander David Wolf-Rooney is soon to launch a networking site for grown-ups, specifically targeting 25-55 year olds. His site, iYomu, will have no advertising and will provide up to 1GB of storage space for music, photos and videos. Most interestingly, though, iYomu will only be open to those over the age of 18. While there’s an exclusive, invite-only beta version available, most of us will have to wait until August 13th for the spectacular launch of iYomu.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Does your company need web 2.0 strategies?


It’s now obvious that the Internet has changed considerably in the last half-decade. We have moved from the phase of dot com to a highly interactive platform called web2.0. This new platform is unleashing a wave of innovative products, advanced strategies and new business models. Precisely, web 2.0 has created immense opportunities in the online world. Now the question is; does your company need web 2.0 strategies?

Well, forget running a web 2.0 strategy… I am not even sure if people have actually understood this emerging concept. For many small business managers these shifts appear as if they are beyond their reach. But the fact is; it is not. And the best part is that it’s a zero investment tool to get your message across. Blogging, buzz, viral and word-of-mouth are all a part of this web 2.0. And they can suit any kind of business domains.

This new platform lets you create a relationship. It gives you a chance to provide direct information to customers. You can as well as monitor them and respond to all necessary conversations. For instance, starting a corporate blog can be a low-cost alternative to a corporate web site. Thus, it cuts out the cost of hiring a designer or a developer. At the same time updating the blog is much simpler and quicker.

Creating a simple corporate blog can create goodwill about your service/product and that goodwill, in turn, promotes significant marketing and sales gains.

Corporate Blogging Tips

Corporate Blog Tip #1 (improving the title tag) - feature some neat thoughts on how to come up with a title for your blog. Spend time doing this as; in essence, you will be creating your own Blog Brand.

Corporate Blog Tip #2 (read a bunch of blogs before you start) - the blog search engines are a good start for searching something specific.

Corporate Blog Tip #3 (write in a granular style) – introduce one idea per posting.

Corporate Blog Tip #4 (add comments) - you should always aim to add value to the author's article by leaving thoughtful comments. Don't spam!

Corporate Blog Tip #5 (make yourself accessible) – you can leave your cell phone no or mail id on the site so that anyone can contact you.

Corporate Blog Tip #6 create alert to find out the latest news and tips.

"You should know more about your product than anyone else alive, if you're writing a weblog about it. If there's someone alive who knows more, you damn well better have links to them (and you should send some goodies to them to thank them for being such great advocates."

By Robert Scoble (Author of Red Couch blog – hell)

10 DAYS - 21 POSTS

All right!!! Buzzuka is well underway!! 10 days with 21 posts, stay tuned for more in the month of August!
