Wednesday, August 29, 2007


when we are considering a redesigning the blog, we must keep certain things in mind. we
generally don't touch or do any changes with the traditional blog layout, like the header,
content panel, sidebar... . We must do a makeover the appearance from the traditional blog.
They are: -

1. DECLUTTERING : we must concentrate on the area thats more cluttered area.
Generally it'll be the sidebar. try decluttering this area, by moving a few things from
this, to any other parts of the blog, that can hold the information well, as well as its
readable. After this, thought the information is scattered, it'd have all the information in
the page, and more appealing and pleasure to read through.

2. Visibility of the most important content : what to do to make the page look more
appealing to the visitor of your blog ? The most important thing is, to keep the main and
important contents in the most noticeable area, and the links in its place.

3.Maximum exposure for ads: Who would not love to earn little more bucks through
their blogs? There are already One of the drawbacks of using premade themes is that you have
to force your ads and affiliate links into a crowded design. But with your own customized
design, you keep the control in your hands.


We must not do too many changes that looks like a new blog even to the old
customer or visitor. The changes must be minimally effective. If you go wild with a lots of
assorted ads and affiliate links and your new visitors dismiss your blog as an MFA(made for
AdSence) site. The better you make your site, more people visit. If we, in our enthusiasm
to earn more revenue, and take the flak of readers.

Also, the changes must not be either too frequent or once is a decade. Also that, we have to
test the new template change- look and feel of the new template, and ask some of the close
friends who are regular in reading your blog, to evaluate the change, as more appealing or
the opposite. there are cases that, if you are interested in changing the look, and choose a
wrong one that the readers don't like, there are chances of loosing many readers, because i
feel that "first appearance is the best appearance". Also the new design may not pull new
readers, if it doesn't match their taste. After all, we have to keep in mind that, we are not
blogging just because of us, but for others also.

The title should always go hand-in-hand with the topics chosen n posted. The reader must not
feel the break in the chain with the posting and the blog name.
Its really important to make few changes to the blog, to keep the most important things up
and at the most important place. along with this, the blog must not loose the crux of its

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