Technology is bridging the communication gap and getting us to be more social than ever before. Mobile phones became an instant hit with users being able to connect and stay in touch with just anyone they wish to. As technology gets easy and intrusive, (if I can say) the growth rate of mobile phones is enormous. The mobile market in India is the fastest growing with 791 million users with China leading with 900 million users!
If that’s what the market is, the entry of the smartphone is sure changing lives and getting us closer to the digital and social world. The features and the innumerous benefits that the smartphone provides is letting businesses and consumers explore the mobile market with great fervor. Mobile developers are working on applications for smartphones that break the digital divide.
Get your movie tickets, place an order for the book you want to lay your hands on, send that tweet, check-in from any location with Foursquare and make the whole experience as exciting as possible. Though the mobile industry is growing rapidly, the numbers of consumers are few and the question of accessibility and penetration is an issue.
With America catching up with Europe, the number of teens entering the market is pretty interesting. With India, of course we all want to possess a cool smartphone but with 3G just making it here, it will be a long way to go. Internet penetration in India is an issue and this needs to be tackled to reach the smartphone generation.
What are consumers using the smartphone for? There are applications that get you instant information, updates, reviews and entertainment. Marketers do not want to ignore mobile marketing, as the benefits it produces are enormous! Tell us more…
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