Discovered in 2006, this micro blogging platform lets users share information in less than 140 characters. Twitter Applications are out there, letting users tap its potential to the fullest. We all love to have a conversation and get it going. With Twitter, one can interact and learn in the simplest and easiest way. We are sure many of you have used some of the Twitter tools to the best of your advantage. Here's some of the Twitter tools that we love!
Twitter monitoring tools
Tweetscan - Allows one to search conversations on varied topics. It also gives a list of popular searches. Also, helps to search people you want to follow by the topic. It offers specific keywords, phrases, and timeframes.
TweetDeck – It’s an easy tool to use and manage conversations on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn to name a few. Manage conversations with @replies and direct messages. Follow topics in real-time with saved searches, and see who's following you...
TweetGrid – TweetGrid allows to monitor conversations, hash tags, phrases, people, groups etc. One can participate in conversations and search in real time.
Scheduling tweets
HootSuite - Allows one to schedule tweets through the day. It has loads of interactive features. It is a Twitter interface providing tools that you need.
Twaitter – Lets one schedule tweets, send messages from calendar, reply, send DM, integrates with ping. fm helps send recurring tweets on a daily, weekly, monthly basis translate and tweet in any language, manage multiple Twitter accounts. Soon to be called GremIn.
Twuffer – Compose tweets and schedule for future...
Other Applications you'll love
Tweepler – Enables you to process new followers and categorize them into 'Follow' and 'Ignore. This makes it simple and reduces clutter. This application helps to manage followers and categorize them accordingly, thus saving time. It also gives you Avg Tweets, Total Tweets, Number of Followers, Number Following, and the Followers to Following Ratio.
TwtPoll – Companies such as Vodafone, Yahoo are engaging customer on Twitter via TwtPoll by asking questions on various topics. This helps them receive immediate feedback and acts as a method to showcase value and loyalty among customer and potential customers.
TwitPic – A picture speaks a thousand words! Sharing photos on Twitter is no rocket science. TwitPic lets you share photos with ease.
These are only a few Twitter Applications in the myriad sea of Twitter tools. Go ahead, share with us Twitter tools that you have explored!
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