Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Unlock Your World With Foursquare

A geo-location based mobile social media tool which lets other users know where they are by ‘checking in’ at locations and you may also earn rewards & badges by checking in’ frequently.
Foursquare can be used whereever you go be it at an Airport, public transport, museum,concerts, restuarants etc… The maximum ‘check in’ at one particular place or regular ‘check ins’ makes that user the ‘Mayor’ of the particular place. You can also see who else has ‘checked in’at the particular location. One can even add or plot the details about location on the map you are at, if it is not yet on Foursquare.
Foursquare can be a powerful tool for businesses. Foursquare is collaborating with restaurants and service providers to offer promotions for those who check in to their location with this app. For businesses, Foursquare“check-in” has become the equivalent of a new “fan” on a Facebook fan page. One such example is their recent partnership with Starbucks. As of March 11, 2010, frequent Starbucks customers who ‘check in’ at locations using Foursquare will earn customer rewards.

Download the Foursquare app to your cell phone and instantly link to your address book and Facebook and Twitter accounts to discover where your friends are hanging out. See if they’re near you by looking at where they’ve recently checked in.

1 comment:

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