Here are few routes to make your blog interactive.
Commenting: Allow users to comment on the blog post, this way user become part of your blog & they get to interact with each other apart from the interaction between the blogger and commenter.
Interact with comments: Blogger has to respond to comments posted, which shows the readers that their comments are valued. This would ensure in users revisiting the blog.
Drawing attention of the readers: Acknowledging and rewarding good comments by “Liking” the comment, would draw the attention of the other readers & make good use of the comments section.
Ask Questions: Asking open ended questions as a blog post would encourage users to share their knowledge by respodng to the posts. This should be done on the later stages when your blog has a good number of followers.
Add a forum: If the content of you blog is B2B oriented, adding a discussion forum to the blog for interaction among the users will also help.
RSS Feeds: Allow users to subscribe to your blog through rss feeds.If you own a Facebook Like page link the blog to the page through Social RSS app, similarly you can do it to your Twitter profile & LinkedIn group.
Share widget: Add Social bookmarking, Facebook &Twitter buttons for users to share the blog post on the social media channels.
Blog followers gadget: Show off your followers by adding the “FOLLOWERS” gadget to your blog.